”Akhirnya diungkap, Bagaimana cara mendapatkan penghasilan jutaan rupiah hanya dari produk orang lain (Affiliate Progam)”.

Financial Management

Definition of Financial Management
Financial Management is an activity of planning, budgeting, audit, management, control, search and storage of funds owned by an organization or company.

Brief Explanation of Each Function of Financial Management:
1. Financial Planning
Make a plan for revenue and pengeluaraan and other activities for a certain period.

2. Financial Budgeting
Follow-up of financial planning with a detailed expenditure and income.

3. Financial Management
Using the fund companies to maximize existing funds in various ways.

4. Finance Search
Finding and exploiting existing funding sources for operational activities of the company.

5. Finance Storage
Collect funds and keep the fund company safely.

6. Financial Control
Evaluating and improving finances and financial systems in paerusahaan.

7. Audit
Conducting internal audits of the financial companies that exist to prevent irregularities.

Financial Management Duty

Basic tasks are performed by a financial manager in general are:
1. Getting Funds Company
2. Using Company Funds
3. Dividing Profit / Profit Companies

Objectives of Financial Management

The aim with the finance manager to manage the fund company at a company in general is to maximize corporate value. Thus if a company sold when the price can be set as high as possible.