”Akhirnya diungkap, Bagaimana cara mendapatkan penghasilan jutaan rupiah hanya dari produk orang lain (Affiliate Progam)”.

Project Management Software

Project management software is a term covering many types of software, including estimation and planning, scheduling, cost control and budget management, resource allocation, collaboration software, communication, quality management and documentation or administration systems, which are used to deal with the complexity of large projects.

     1 Tasks or activities of project management software
           1.1 Scheduling
           1.2 Providing information
     2 Approaches to project management software
           2.1 Desktop
           2.2 Web-based
           2.3 Personal
           2.4 Single user
           2.5 Collaborative
           2.6 Integrated
           2.7 Non-specialised tools
     3 Criticisms of project management software
