”Akhirnya diungkap, Bagaimana cara mendapatkan penghasilan jutaan rupiah hanya dari produk orang lain (Affiliate Progam)”.

About Human Resource Management

Functions of Human Resource Management:- Ensure the appropriate personnel can be identified and selected
- Facilitate employees with knowledge and skills up-to-date
- Ensure that employees wear a competent organization with high performance

Environmental factors that mempengatuhi human resources:
- Gathering of labor / employee who has the potential to launch their protest against the organization with the approval together and collectively
- Law and government regulation -> example: managerial restrictions in terms of recruitment, promotion, and dismissal of employees

Design and Organizational Structure

Is that the organizational structure? The organizational structure is a formal arrangement of the division of tasks that exist within an organization. Besides having the structure, the organization also has a design organization.

The design of this organization is a process that includes six elements:
- Specialization of work: the division of labor that is divided into several sections.
- The division of the department: According to the function, product, geographic location, process, and the type of costumer
- There is a chain of command: So many employees examine below should be restricted to be effective and efficient

Whether it is Financial Management?

Financial management is the process to achieve financial goals through financial arrangements carefully. Your financial goals can include buying a house / land, save for worship Umrah / Hajj, education for your child or your pension plan preparation and also have some insurance as required.

Basically, financial management is needed to determine clear objectives for managing our personal finances or family. Without a clear financial management, we will not be able to manage the revenue / expenditure us well. Without good financial management, we would be inclined to spend money we earn with difficulty. without necessarily the direction and purpose.

The leader and The main task

The leader is the essence of management. This means that management objectives will be achieved if there is a leader. Leadership can only be exercised by a leader. A leader is someone who has leadership skills, have the ability to influence the stance / opinion of the person or group of people without asking the reasons. A leader is someone who actively make plans, coordinate, conduct experiments and lead the work to achieve goals together (Panji Anogara, Page 23).


What is the meaning of leadership? Historically, the term "leadership" emerged inthe 18th century . There is some sense of leadership, among others:

1. Leadership is interpersonal influence, in certain situations and directly through the communication process to achieve one or more specific purposes (Tannebaum, Weschler and Nassarik, 1961, 24).

2. Leadership is a personal attitude, which led the implementation of activities to achieve desired goals. (Shared Goal, Hemhiel & Coons, 1957, 7).

Supervision (controlling)

Supervision (controlling) is a management function which is not less important in an organization. All the previous functions, will not be effective without the oversight function. In this case, Louis E. Boone and David L. Kurtz (1984) gives the formulation of supervision as: "... the process by which managers determine wether actual operation are consistent with plans".
Meanwhile, Robert J. Mocker, as presented by T. Hani Handoko (1995) suggests the definition of supervision in which contains the essential elements of the regulatory process, that:
"Supervision of management is a systematic effort to define standards of performance for the purpose - the purpose of planning, designing information systems feedback, comparing the real events with a pre-set standards, define and measure deviations and take corrective action necessary to ensure that all corporate resources are used in a way the most effective and efficient in achieving corporate objectives. "

Implementation (actuating)

From the whole set of management processes, implementation (actuating) is the most important management function. In planning and organizing functions more related to abstract aspects of the management process, while the actuating functions are even more emphasis on activities that relate directly to the people in the organization

Organizing (organizing)

The next management function is organizing (organizing).
George R. Terry (1986) points out:
"Organizing is the act of seeking relationships that effectively conduct between people, so they can work together efficiently, and gain personal satisfaction in performing certain tasks, in particular environmental conditions in order to achieve certain goals or objectives."

Planning (planning)

Planning is nothing but an activity to set goals to be achieved along with the means to achieve that goal. As presented by Louise E. Boone and David L. Kurtz (1984) that: planning May be defined as the process by which managers set objectives, asses the future, and develop courses of action Designed to accomplish these objectives. While T. Hani Handoko (1995) points out:
"Planning (planning) is the selection or setting organizational goals and determining strategies, policies, projects, programs, procedures, methods, systems, budgets and standards required to achieve the goal. Decision-making involved in this function. "

Management Functions

Stated above that management education is an activity. Activities referred to was none other than actions which refers to the functions manajamen. With regard to these management functions, H. Siagian (1977) express the views of several experts, as follows:

Understanding School Management

In the context of education, is still found controversy and inconsistency in the use of the term management. On the one hand there are still inclined to use the term management, which is known as management education. On the other hand, not a few others use the term so that the technical term administration of educational administration. In this study, the authors tend to identify them, so these two terms can be used with the same meaning.