Stated above that management education is an activity. Activities referred to was none other than actions which refers to the functions manajamen. With regard to these management functions, H. Siagian (1977) express the views of several experts, as follows:
According G.R. Terry there are four functions of management, namely:
(1) planning (planning);
(2) organizing (organizing);
(3) actuating (implementation); and
(4) controlling (supervision).
Meanwhile, according to Henry Fayol there are five functions of management, include:
(1) planning (planning);
(2) organizing (organizing);
(3) Commanding (arrangement);
(4) coordinating (coordinating); and
(5) controlling (supervision).
Meanwhile, Harold Koontz and Cyril O 'Donnel suggested five functions of management, include:
(1) planning (planning);
(2) organizing (organizing);
(3) staffing (staffing);
(4) directing (direction); and
(5) controlling (supervision).
Furthermore, L. Gullick revealed seven management functions, namely:
(1) planning (planning);
(2) organizing (organizing);
(3) staffing (staffing);
(4) directing (direction);
(5) coordinating (coordinating);
(6) reporting (reporting); and
(7) budgeting (budgeting).
To understand more about the functions of management education, will be presented under the management functions of education in the perspective of schooling, with reference to the thoughts GR Terry, include: (1) planning (planning), (2) organizing (organizing), (3) implementation (actuating) and (4) monitoring (controlling).
Thank For The Article